Tag Archives: stressful circumstances

What is Cortisol and Why Should You Care?

Find yourself lashing out at somebody, stuck in anxiety, or fearful you’ll you’re your job? If so, you likely have stirred up a hormone in your cortisol.gifbrain that will work against relationships, courage, and well-being. Cortisol is the hormone that appears when we slip into stress,  when we feel angry or fearful, or when we respond to an email out of sheer frustration. It will shut down learning … and can cause depression.
Cortisol reduces your ability to learn and communicate. It’s what hits your brain along with that angry customer that finds you on a day when you’re tired or behind in your work.
Cortisol holds an important roles in your mind, but is meant to be very short term. It’s useful for treating allergies short term or for spiking your energy to survive a dangerous moment, lower sensitivity to pain, or getting you through a short term project. If you stress too much or grieve too long, however, you can easily maintain cortisol in harmful levels.
Prolonged levels in the bloodstream have negative effects and will:
1. Lower your immune system so you’ll get sick faster than others
2. Slow down your thinking
3. Create blood sugar imbalances
4. Raise your blood pressure
5. Weaken muscle tissue
6. Decrease bone density
7. Increase fat in the stomach areas
Find out quickly and discretely whether your Cortisol levels are outside of the optimum range through a simple in-home Saliva Test from BET Labs. When we call with your results, we provide and in-depth consultation to discuss treatment options if you are found to be suffering from Adrenal Fatigue.
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Adaptogens in Adrenal Food

Any autoimmune disease is constantly destroying host’s organs, mainly stimulating inflammatory responses, which are leading to wide-spread inflammation throughout the body.

As immune system is comprehensively linked to the nervous system, any (especially prolonged) stress weakens the body’s defenses. Consequently any infection may invade the body and spread with little or no effective opposition.

This also may explain why exacerbations and remissions happen to most people with autoimmune disorders. After all, immune systems of all of them are in some way disordered.

Thus only those able to handle stress well and manage to withstand any negativities are owners of a robust immune system.

How adaptogens could help

The term adaptogen is used to refer to a natural herb product that is proposed to increase the body’s resistance to stress, trauma, anxiety and fatigue.

Adaptogens are completely safe and effective – they have been tested by various research institutes, including academies and sports agencies – and contain no drugs or preservatives.

Although term adaptogen is quite new (it was introduced in 1940-ties), it’s description still is changing. Presently adaptogen has been presented as an agent that allows the body to counter adverse physical, chemical, or biological stressors by raising nonspecific resistance toward such stress, thus allowing the body to adapt to stressful circumstances.

Some important aspects that positively distinguish adaptogens:

  • adaptogens are nontoxic
  • adaptogens stimulate a nonspecific response in the body – an increase in the power of resistance against all kinds of stressors: physical, chemical, or biological
  • adaptogens have a normalizing influence on body physiology, irrespective of the direction of change from physiological norms caused by the stressor

Adaptogenic herbs are unique in their ability to balance endocrine hormones and the immune system, and they help the body to maintain
optimal homeostasis

Adaptogens are proposed to have a normalizing effect on the body and to be capable of either toning down the activity of hyperfunctioning systems or strengthening the activity of hypofunctioning systems

Herbal auxiliary

Adaptogenic herbs play a significant role while easing and managing autoimmune disorders. As adaptogenic herbs help the body adapt to any stress, whether illness or intense fatigue, or relationship problems or coping with illness. Herbs with an adaptogenic action also stimulate the body’s natural defense mechanisms, helping to support and boost the immune system.

Examples of adaptogenic among herbs curing autoimmune disorders (including multiple sclerosis) are Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticoses), licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra), gotu cola (Hydrocotyle asiatica), borage (Borago officinalis), and sarsaparilla (Smilax officinalis).

Miraculous remedies

Explaining the effects of the adaptogens is difficult, since they will influence each individual differently. If you are mentally exhausted or physically fatigued the adaptogens will help you feel more energetic, vitalized, and full of zest for life – but yet, they are not normal stimulants.

Adaptogens are non-toxic and are not habit forming, while they exert a normalizing influence on the body, possessing a wide range of therapeutic benefits, causing no disturbance to the normal functioning.

All adaptogenic herbs help to improve adrenal and immune function

Should you however be stressed-out, or emotionally tired, not coping with life – adaptogens will help you to relax and make life easier to cope with, yet they are not tranquillizers and will not have a drug-like effect on the body

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